
The Godfather of Antioxidants

Glutathione heals, detoxifies and retards the aging process

By Richard Labaki

The body has phenomenal powers to heal itself. But to accomplish this feat, it requires specific tools that mainly come in the form of natural and nutritional compounds.

Over the years, I have witnessed firsthand how science-backed supplements help in reversing chronic conditions that most in the medical establishment deem incurable (or at least unmanageable without pharmaceutical drugs.)

There will always be skeptics dismissing the efficacy of any natural approach to overcoming illnesses. Nevertheless, there is beauty in conducting a medical exam before the individual is put on a holistic protocol and then re-conducting that same test several months later to assess progress. Test results simply do not lie.

One compound I have been recommending repeatedly and for many years is N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC).

NAC is actually used intravenously by medical doctors to counteract acetaminophen poisoning (Tylenol and Paracetamol are acetaminophen drugs, by the way).1

I use NAC in my practice for various purposes – mainly because it is a precursor to our body’s most potent antioxidant and detoxifier: Glutathione.2

Glutathione is a unique compound made by our body from sulfur-rich foods – dietary proteins, such as whey, beef, fish, and poultry. Veggies rich in sulfur include onions, garlic, and cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage, and others.

Moreover, certain supplements like selenium and alpha lipoic acid help your body produce more glutathione. But when it comes to actually taking this compound in its pure form, most formulas fail to increase glutathione in the body in meaningful ways. We will talk about that in a minute.

But first, let me focus on why glutathione is so paramount for well-being.

When it comes to actually taking this compound in its pure form, most formulas fail to increase glutathione in the body in meaningful ways.

Slayer of many evils

Think of “Free Radicals” as villainous molecules. They increase in the body due to multiple factors, such as pollution, alcohol and cigarette consumption, medications, radiation, processed foods, and others. Also, free radicals are byproducts of internal physiological mechanisms – especially when one is stressed out or suffers from insomnia.

Too many free radicals in the body could simply mean accelerated aging, weakened immunity, and a fast track toward various ailments.3 Consequently, no healing process and no anti-aging intervention could properly unfold unless free radicals are kept in check.

And this is where glutathione shines!

You could say that this compound is the worst nightmare for free radicals and their subset reactive oxygen species (ROS). Nothing neutralizes these baddies like glutathione. And this is probably why multiple studies have shown that the higher your glutathione levels the healthier you are.4,5

Multiple studies have shown that the higher your glutathione levels the healthier you are.

In over 139,000 published peer-reviewed studies, glutathione has been shown to be a stellar promoter of health.

Now surely you have been hearing a lot about other antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and their impact on overall well-being. But glutathione is different and more impressive.

Glutathione works from inside your cells – protecting your DNA from external attacks.6,7 Moreover, it has the unique ability to recycle used antioxidants and transform them back into unused antioxidants. This has major positive repercussions in terms of bolstering your defenses.  

Our health is constantly bombarded by free radicals from all sides, especially when our lifestyle and eating habits are not ideal. Moreover, the production of glutathione declines with age. So imagine the scenario: increased attacks on our body coupled with decreased defenses against these assaults.

Another intriguing aspect regarding glutathione is its ability to lighten the skin and reduce the size of facial dark spots. It seems that glutathione has anti-melanogenic properties.8

Production of glutathione declines with age. So imagine the scenario: increased attacks on our body coupled with decreased defenses against these assaults.

Form is everything

Certain brands produce a reduced form of glutathione, which is better absorbed. Some offer liposomal formulas, which do increase glutathione absorption in the body. But my preferred choice has always been the acetylated type, which can actually cross over to our brain.

But one issue I contend with is that using glutathione supplementation in a continuous fashion could create some sort of a dependency – whereby the body becomes more reliant on glutathione supplementation while its own natural production continues to decline.

Enter EDG3 – a breakthrough formula that provides the building blocks that your body uses to naturally manufacture glutathione. The building blocks of glutathione are glutamine, glycine, and cysteine (the latter is the amino acid that constitutes NAC.) But what is even more exciting is that EDG3 contains cystine and not cysteine.

You see, cysteine cannot be absorbed easily because of its unstable nature. It simply gets destroyed in your digestive tract before actually reaching your cells.

However, EDG3 utilizes a patented delivery system that ensures the transport of cysteine through the digestive system before being absorbed into the cell entirely. It is a breakthrough discovery by researcher and physician, Dr. Albert Crum – a Harvard alumnus.

After decades of research, Dr. Crum discovered a unique delivery system using cystine – a more stable and bioavailable form of cysteine. This in turn guarantees the highest absorption and maximum potency. EDG3 is also combined with a highly absorbable form of selenium, which is needed for maximum effectiveness.

EDG3 is far superior to NAC in terms of optimizing glutathione levels. And this is why I am currently recommending this formula to almost everyone – whether to help in the healing process, slow down aging or just optimize overall health. It is an understatement to say that boosting glutathione levels in the body should form the backbone of any health-inducing and disease-reversing protocol.

How to procure EDG3

EDG3 could be delivered to various destinations around the world. You may click on any of the links below (email or WhatsApp chat) for a personalized buying experience.

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The Mood Switch

While your emotional landscape is predetermined by genetics, there is a lot you can do about it

By Richard Labaki

Driving on the highway at the breakneck speed of 180 km/hour, George was in hyper-focus mode and all psyched up as he maneuvered his BMW between lanes. Heavy metal music bursting through the speakers, the scene could only be likened to that of a Jason Bourne car chase. Amidst this intense and potentially-dangerous situation, George glances briefly to his right to assess how I’m coping in the passenger’s seat. As he later described it, what he saw was not someone wide-eyed, physically tense and filled with fear but a person in a state of Zen savoring a grilled cheese sandwich. This took place a few decades back. And for as long as I remember, my reaction to stressful or highly charged situations was always one of calmness. When everyone around was getting all worked up over a given crisis, there I was keeping my cool under fire. This is in no way due to years of practicing deep meditative techniques on a mystical mountaintop, but simply a matter of character. And only recently have I begun to understand the genetic foundation of my inherent response to stress in general.

Breakthroughs in the realm of genetic research are revealing how certain genes could impact mood and play a major role in the predisposition to disorders such as anxiety and chronic depression. I have, for example, a certain gene that operates at a faster rate than usual, quickly clearing out “fight-or-flight” stress neurotransmitters like adrenaline and noradrenaline from my system. So in essence, my mind and body are able to remain calm most of the time, easily returning to normalcy after experiencing a nerve-racking event. But there is a downside to this as well. This gene, which is functioning at a rapid speed in my case, could also clear out dopamine very quickly, leaving the person unmotivated and low on energy. Dopamine, as you may know, is the “feel-good” neurotransmitter involved in excitement and thrills (you probably experience its uplifting effect after a workout, when falling in love and others.) The fact that all the aforementioned neurotransmitters do not stay for long in my system partially explains why I had been a classic daydreamer in the classroom during my schooldays. I was in essence the poster child of attention deficit disorder or ADD.

Breakthroughs in the realm of genetic research are revealing how certain genes could impact mood and play a major role in the predisposition to disorders such as anxiety and chronic depression

At the other end of the spectrum, there are those who have this same gene operating at a slower rate than normal. Consequently, they have ample focus, energy and enthusiasm. But they also have a hard time kicking back and relaxing – so much so that they cannot sleep well in most cases. Stress neurotransmitters stay in their system for far too long, causing them to be more prone to anxiety. So apparently, what could be the source of a certain strength (be it mental, psychological or physiological) could also be a form of kryptonite. Luckily, I have managed to strengthen my focus and boost my energy levels over the years – without letting go of my calm demeanor. But with the continuous research concerning gene expression, I can even go further now. You see, genes are not static. There is an interplay between our genetic makeup and the food we eat, the lifestyle we adopt and the environment in which we live. This science is called epigenetics. And while each one of us has a variety of genetic tendencies to certain characteristics, behaviors and health conditions, understanding those predispositions helps immensely. As a result of this understanding, we could then customize our way of eating and living to become a better version of ourselves. In other words, we could always tip the “genetic” scale in our favor: turning off or balancing the “bad” genes while keeping the good ones switched on.

While we all harbor psychological traits that stem from how we were raised and our individual experiences (both good and bad), our mood is largely affected by our genetic makeup, health status, and other influencing factors

And this is the basis of a recent discussion I enjoyed with a psychologist friend of mine. I argued that while we all harbor psychological traits that stem from how we were raised and our individual experiences (both good and bad), our mood is largely affected by our genetic makeup, health status, and other influencing factors. Treatments in the form of cognitive therapy and the likes are sure to help you become more aware of your psychological flaws and blind-spots, but you will not attain perfect mood balance by simply becoming more cognizant. If you suffer major nutritional deficiencies, if your gut flora is disrupted (90 percent of dopamine and serotonin is produced by the good bacteria in your intestines), and if your body is burdened with toxins then your mood will always be disrupted. Working with a qualified shrink to address psychological and mood issues could help a lot. But this alone remains insufficient if your diet, lifestyle and environment are not in tune with your biochemistry and genetic makeup. My friend could not agree more.

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Why You're Chronically Fatigued

By Richard Labaki

Imagine how much more productive your day could be if your body generated ample energy and was able to sustain it from morning till evening – think of how much more you could accomplish at the workplace and in your personal life as a result. The sad reality is that many people’s goals, dreams and aspirations are simply hindered by a lack of physical and mental energy.  "Fatigue" is a common complaint I often hear from people visiting for a consultation. This symptom seems to be pervasive regardless of the health condition – be it digestive, hormonal or any other. And the way most individuals attempt to address this problem is through the over-consumption of caffeine and energy drinks or through the intake of generic multivitamins. But the truth is none of these approaches ever work, especially over the long run. Why? Simply because “fatigue” is only a symptom that could emerge from a myriad of root causes. And unless these root causes are properly diagnosed and resolved then no amount of espressos or energy drinks will ever tackle the issue.

Fatigue is only a symptom that could emerge from a myriad of root causes. And unless these root causes are properly diagnosed and resolved then no amount of espressos or energy drinks will ever tackle the issue

Tired, exhausted, depleted    

Most people suffering from debilitating symptoms like chronic fatigue seek out a wonder drug, a “superfood” or a promising supplement they read about online. Their hope is that by taking a pill, eating some nutritious food or drinking a smoothie they would somehow put an end to their misery. However, this rarely makes any difference. To understand why you feel tired and lethargic all day long, you need to accurately pinpoint what is depleting your energy reserves (or impeding your body from generating the required energy in the first place.)

If, for example, you suffer from insomnia then resolving this matter should be a priority. The root cause of your fatigue in this case is the lack of proper sleep. You are just not sleeping deep enough or long enough to “recharge your batteries”. Solving this issue entails a holistic approach in terms of modifying your lifestyle habits and nightly rituals, improving your diet and probably ingesting a sleep-inducing supplement like Melatonin or Valerian.  

If you are deficient in certain nutrients like vitamin B12 (due to an imbalanced diet or gastric bypass surgery) then surely you will be feeling exhausted for most parts of the day. And the solution in this case is to supplement with a good vitamin B12 formula, modify your food choices and empower the digestive system to assimilate properly this crucial vitamin. So as you can see, for a solution to work it needs to factor in the root cause of your fatigue. 

Bear in mind that it is not always a matter of improper sleep or nutritional deficiencies. Others causes behind chronic fatigue include hormonal imbalance like hypothyroidism (a sluggish thyroid gland), heavy metal toxicity brought about by environmental and nutritional factors, chronic infections due to a weakened immune system, low levels of beneficial bacteria in the gut, high levels of oxidative stress and various other contributors. And for each of the aforementioned root causes is a specific healing approach. 

Engine at full throttle

It is often said that a problem defined is half-solved. Through a series of lab tests and in-depth questionnaires, a clearer picture will begin to emerge. And once it becomes apparent as to why you are constantly low on energy, a plan could be then put in motion to address whatever root causes are contributing to your fatigue. One of the most gratifying responses clients report after following a customized plan is how much more energy they have to conduct their best work, how much more time they are able to spend playing with their children and how much more confident they are in their mental and physical abilities. Many seem fixated on maintaining youthful looks nowadays and that is just fine; we all wish to look young for as long as we can. But what good would that do us if we look 10 years younger yet our energy levels continue to decline as we age. There is no point in looking youthful without being able to spring out of bed every morning and engage life with all our might!

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